Fundación Síndrome de Dravet en #SENEP2021. ¿Qué hemos aprendido?

La semana pasada participamos en la XLIII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Neurología Pediátrica (SENEP2021), un congreso que tuvo lugar en formato virtual debido a la aún presente pandemia de COVID-19.

En este congreso, no solo acudimos como oyentes de las muy diversas e interesantes charlas que en él se impartieron, sino que participamos activamente con:

👉 Comunicación oral “Impacto del COVID-19 en pacientes españoles con síndrome de Dravet y sus cuidadores: Consecuencias del confinamiento”. ¡Pronto saldrán a la luz los resultados en una publicación científica! La experiencia recogida durante la COVID-19 ha permitido detectar puntos de mejora que aseguren el manejo apropiado del SD y mantengan estable la situación de los pacientes y sus cuidadores, destacando el papel de la telemedicina.

👉 Comunicación en póster “Determinación del valor de fenfluramina para el tratamiento del síndrome de Dravet en España mediante la Metodología de Análisis de Decisión Multicriterio (MCDA).” La fenfluramina se percibe como un tratamiento eficaz que añade valor al manejo del SD en España.

👉 Documentación sobre los programas científico-médicos de la Fundación, disponibles en el stand de Biocodex. Puedes enterarte de todos ellos en

De entre todas las comunicaciones realizadas durante el evento por parte de los expertos españoles en Neurología Pediátrica, ¿qué hemos sacado en claro?

✔️Genética de la epilepsia
Hoy en día existen 94 tipos de encefalopatías epilépticas del desarrollo con gen causal conocido, además del efecto que la mutación de un gen puede tener en la función de otro gen, lo que da idea de la complejidad diagnóstica a la que se enfrenta el clínico.

Un estudio de 2017 indicó que, mientras que el 80% de neuropediatras recomendaban realizar pruebas genéticas frente a una historia clínica sugestiva de epilepsia, el 67% de neurólogos de adultos no lo hacía. Otro estudio de 2020 mostraba que el 23% de adultos con epilepsia con discapacidad intelectual presenta causa genética.

El diagnóstico genético temprano es de suma importancia porque facilita el manejo clínico del paciente, mejora el pronóstico a corto, medio y largo plazo, permite orientar la terapia más adecuada, previene posibles efectos adversos, y posibilita la planificación familiar. El paciente al que le falla en un segundo esquema de tratamiento tiene mayor probabilidad de no responder a los siguientes esquemas. Es por un diagnóstico genético temprano para este tipo de pacientes puede ayudar a identificar cuanto antes qué fármacos administrar.

La Secuenciación del Genoma Completo, al contrario que otras tecnologías como el cariotipo, el CGH array, los tests moleculares específicos, los paneles de genes específicos o el exoma, permite detectar todo tipo de mutaciones genéticas (aneuploidías, pequeñas y grandes alteraciones estructurales, reordenamientos genéticos, y alteraciones en uno o varios genes). En el 90% de los casos, la epilepsia se relaciona con cambios genéticos de un solo nucleótido, pero el estudio del genoma puede proporcionar información adicional y facilitar la investigación.

Pero tampoco hay que olvidarse de los pacientes a los que no se les ha encontrado mutación genética o bien presentan epilepsia multigénica. Estos merecen igual de atención tanto a nivel asistencial como a nivel educacional.

✔️Calidad de vida en síndrome de Dravet
En muchos casos, los cuidadores de personas con síndrome de Dravet sienten mayor preocupación por la autonomía (marcha), así como por la salud física, el desarrollo cognitivo, y la conducta, que por las crisis epilépticas en sí. Así lo indicaba un estudio llevado a cabo en 2019 sobre familiares de 116 pacientes. Sin embargo, no ha sido hasta hace poco cuando se ha comenzado a introducir medidas de calidad de vida en los ensayos clínicos de nuevos fármacos antiepilépticos, y los instrumentos y variables que se utilizan para valorar la calidad de vida son tan distintos entre los diferentes ensayos que la comparativa se hace difícil.

De hecho, hace un par de semanas organizamos una reunión con algunas familias de nuestra Fundación donde se abordaba este tema, como parte de un proyecto de investigación mayor.

✔️Capacidades motoras en síndrome de Dravet
En 2011 un estudio puso de manifiesto que los problemas motores, entre otros, impactan en la calidad de vida de personas con síndrome de Dravet. De hecho, el 10% de adultos con síndrome de Dravet no pueden caminar, y el 50% tiene muy alteradas las habilidades para caminar y, por ende, la autonomía (entre el 15 y el 30% necesitan apoyo en otra persona, y el 20% usa silla de ruedas). A estas conclusiones se llegó gracias a nuestro estudio de 2017 realizado en colaboración con profesionales sanitarios y organizaciones de pacientes europeas, y a una revisión de 2019 escrita por neurólogos y rehabilitadores belgas.

Ciertos fármacos antiepilépticos, como el valproato, afectan al metabolismo óseo en niños con epilepsia, reduciendo la densidad ósea mineral en columna lumbar, cuello femoral, densidad ósea total y vitamina D3, y aumentando la fosfatasa alcalina, tal y como indica un meta-análisis de 2015.

La marcha agachada a partir de la adolescencia es un fenotipo frecuente en personas con síndrome de Dravet. La integridad musculoesquelética y las alteraciones de la marcha de pacientes Dravet SCN1A-positivos puede llegar a ser muy variadas. Se desconoce en la actualidad la razón exacta, pudiendo contribuir a la variabilidad entre pacientes la mutación genética concreta, el efecto de otros genes, y el ambiente (determinados fármacos y si el paciente recibe o no fisioterapia a tiempo). Por tanto, es recomendable identificar los problemas a tiempo, ayudar a mejorar la marcha y la actividad física, y revisar los tratamientos administrados a estos pacientes, usando suplementos si se precisa.

✔️Comunicación social en síndrome de Dravet
A pesar de que a menudo se dice que los niños con síndrome de Dravet tienen características del trastorno del espectro autista (TEA), la prevalencia de este trastorno en Dravet es tan variable como que oscila entre el 8 y 62% en los datos ofrecidos por la literatura. En algunos casos se habla de trastorno de la comunicación social (TCS), que se diferencia del TEA en que mientras que una persona con TEA muestra deficiencias en la comunicación y en la interacción social, una persona con TCS tiene dificultades en el uso social de dicha comunicación. Parece que el perfil de comunicación social en personas con Dravet se acerca más al de TCS que al de TEA, siendo además diferente al de personas con discapacidad intelectual.

✔️El sueño en síndrome de Dravet
El 75% de personas con síndrome de Dravet presentan trastorno del sueño. Un estudio con 13 pacientes publicado en 2018 analizó si la melatonina podía mejorar estos problemas de sueño y la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Parece que la melatonina no aumentó el sueño total, pero mejoró el inicio del sueño, su mantenimiento y la calidad de vida en un subgrupo de pacientes.

✔️El comportamiento en síndrome de Dravet
Casi la mitad de personas con síndrome de Dravet SCN1A-positivo muestran problemas severos del comportamiento, lo cual se relaciona estrechamente con una peor calidad de vida. Esto fue descrito por el Dr Lieven Lagae, miembro de nuestro Comité Científico, en 2018.

Ciertos fármacos antiepilépticos como el levetiracetam (Keppra) tienen un alto potencial de inducción de la irritabilidad y la agresividad. Otros, como el perampanel, clobazam, estiripentol, topiramato o valproato tienen un potencial intermedio. El clonacepam, por ejemplo, es de bajo potencial. Encontraréis el informe de 2016 de fármacos antiepilépticos y agresividad, en inglés, AQUÍ.

Para mejorar la conducta en síndrome de Dravet se deben identificar los problemas con las escalas adecuadas, implementar terapias neuropsicológicas, mejorar la cognición y revisar los tratamientos, utilizando la medicación que afecta negativamente a la agresividad solo si se precisa.

En un ensayo internacional de fase 3 donde se evaluó la eficacia y seguridad de la fenfluramina en pacientes con síndrome de Dravet de 2 a 18 años se observaron reducciones significativas en la frecuencia mensual de las crisis. Además, el fármaco fue bien tolerado, y ningún paciente mostró signos de cardiopatía, resultados que refuerzan los obtenidos en los ensayos de fase 1 y 2. En un análisis de eficacia a largo plazo, parece que la fenfluramina logra una reducción significativa de la frecuencia de las crisis en pacientes con Dravet tratados hasta 3 años, lo cual podría tener implicaciones importantes en el neurodesarrollo. Además, debido a que durante los ensayos clínicos de fenfluramina se observó una disminución del apetito en los pacientes con síndrome de Dravet, se evaluó el impacto a largo plazo de este fármaco en el peso y el crecimiento. La mayoría de pacientes que inicialmente perdieron peso lo recuperaron durante el tratamiento y, a largo plazo, la fenfluramina tuvo un impacto mínimo en el crecimiento de los pacientes.

Con respecto al cannabidiol, durante el congreso se ha presentado el caso de un paciente con síndrome de Dravet y retraso psicomotor en el que no se observó cambio en mioclonías diarias y crisis generalizadas tras la administración de este medicamento, a pesar de que se ha demostrado su eficacia en otros muchos pacientes con Dravet.

✔️¿Qué conclusión principal sacamos?
Queda mucha investigación por hacer, pero cada vez tenemos más conocimiento sobre las causas y consecuencias de las encefalopatías epilépticas del desarrollo. Podemos desde ya promover la intervención temprana para que el impacto de la enfermedad en la calidad de vida del paciente y su familia sea el menor posible. Las sociedades médicas y científicas pueden y deben apoyarse en las organizaciones de pacientes para identificar y plantear los tratamientos idóneos. La Fundación Síndrome de Dravet, como siempre, ofrece su apoyo a todo aquel profesional e investigador dispuesto a cambiar la vida de miles de personas.

Nos gustaría dar las gracias al comité organizador de SENEP2021 por la excelente organización de esta reunión y por dar voz a tantas familias y pacientes con síndrome de Dravet que forman parte de nuestra Fundación.

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The Dravet Syndrome Conference 2023 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid, at Avenida de Menéndez Pelayo, 93, 28007 Madrid, Spain, on Thursday 23rd of March 2023. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons.

Participants must register online at Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to check-in at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 23rd of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 16th of March 2023. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant. 

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The European Dravet Syndrome Advanced Therapies (EDSAT) Meeting 2023 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid, at Avenida de Menéndez Pelayo, 93, 28007 Madrid, Spain, on Friday 24th of March 2023. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons.

Participants must register online at Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to check-in at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 24th of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification
by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 17th of March 2023. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant.

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The European Dravet Syndrome Advanced Therapies (EDSAT) Meeting 2022 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid, at Calle de Santa Isabel, 51, 28012 Madrid, Spain, on Friday 1st of April 2022. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons. Participants must register online at Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not comprise travelling and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the workshop without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to register at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 1st of April at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days
prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification
by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational,
material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 24th of March 2022. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant.

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The Dravet Syndrome Conference 2022 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid, at Calle de Santa Isabel, 51, 28012 Madrid, Spain, on Thursday 31st of March 2022. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons. Participants must register online at Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to register at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 31st of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks. 

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 24th of March 2022. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant. 

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.