Entrevistamos a Javier Avendaño

Hoy os presentamos a Javier Avendaño, director médico de Stoke Therapeutics. Muchas veces leemos sobre profesionales de la salud, pero pocas veces estas personas también son pacientes relacionados con la enfermedad que investigan. Javier es una persona que vive con epilepsia desde hace más de 20 años. Conoce de primera mano las enormes barreras, tanto personales como profesionales, que aquellos viviendo en esa situación, deben superar. Como leerás en su entrevista, Javier no sólo ve el sufrimiento, sino su potencial: «Y veo a todas las familias que nunca se rinden. Luchando por sus niños […] ¡Soy padre de 3 niños pequeños y movería cielo y tierra para protegerlos!». Te animamos a conocerle en detalle a continuación.


¿Por qué quisiste ser médico?
Vengo de una familia de médicos e investigadores (mi padre es neurocientífico y mi madre psiquiatra infantil, con otros médicos más en la familia a lo largo de varias generaciones), con lo que siempre he estado rodeado de este ambiente. Las charlas en la cena a menudo incluían perspectivas científicas básicas sobre los problemas clínicos de los pacientes de mi madre, y eso mostraba la superposición tan íntima entre la medicina clínica y la ciencia básica.

¿Cuándo descubriste tu vocación?
Ya de muy joven. Desde que tengo memoria, he pasado incontables horas con mi padre en su laboratorio, y me encantaba poder ayudarle en sus experimentos. También, ya que mi madre nos tuvo a mi hermano y a mi mientras estudiaba la carrera, pasamos muchas horas de nuestra infancia en la guardería de su hospital (el Niño Jesus, en Madrid) mientras estudiaba su especialidad, y parece ser que nos encantaba estar ahí. De todas formas, siempre recuerdo el gran impacto que me causó una situación un tanto trágica: cuando era muy pequeño, mi padre, mi hermano y yo vivimos un atraco armado en un supermercado. Cuando el atracador huyó, mi padre nos escondió a mi hermano y a mí con la cajera mientras él se encargaba de un hombre que había recibido un disparo en el pecho. Recuerdo vivamente escuchar esta historia algo después, todavía siendo niño, y maravillarme sobre cómo la reacción de mi padre se relataba como algo normal que cualquier médico hubiese hecho. Me hizo comprender la devoción absoluta al paciente que los médicos tienen imbuida.

¿Te apoyaron tus padres en tu decisión?
Mis padres me empujaron, únicamente, a cumplir con mi responsabilidad de estudiar. Cuando les confirmé que quería estudiar Medicina, obviamente se alegraron enormemente. Acabé siendo alumno de mi padre en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, de la que él fue director del Departamento de Anatomía y Morfología (¡el profesor más duro de todos, no me dio ni un minuto de tregua!).


¿Fue fácil encontrar un puesto trabajo?
Gracias a Dios, no me fue especialmente complicado. Mis años de experiencia en la Universidad de Columbia en Nueva York me abrieron muchas puertas a mi vuelta a España, así como grandes amistades con médicos e investigadores que me ofrecieron una posición interesantísima de investigación en un gran hospital de Madrid.

¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de tu trabajo?
El ser capaz de comprender el sufrimiento de una forma que te permite relativizar todas las situaciones vitales y los problemas, que te ofrece un mayor entendimiento de las motivaciones y acciones de la gente; es una llamada a las armas a mejorar la vida de los pacientes y aliviar su sufrimiento. Tuve un gran maestro, el Dr. García-Puig, que nos dijo que, en un hospital, los ricos y los pobres desaparecen: solo existen individuos que padecen y que reclaman tu ayuda para aliviar su dolor.

¿Y lo que menos?
Lo más frustrante es darse cuenta de la cantidad de gente que rechaza la Ciencia, cuando viven vidas privilegiadas precisamente gracias a todos los avances científicos.

¿Cuánto tiempo llevas siendo médico?
Unos 20 años.

¿Cuál es tu objetivo profesional?
Creo que mi objetivo último ha sido siempre el sentirme útil. Siempre he buscado proyectos que satisficiesen mi curiosidad científica pero que, a su vez, tuviesen un impacto real y claro en las vidas de la gente. He sido muy afortunado al haber formado una parte integral del equipo que desarrolló Nusinersen y, ahora, STK-001. Estos 2 proyectos han sido, y son, absolutamente fantásticos, y me producen una profunda satisfacción cada día.

¿Por qué trabajas en Stoke Therapeutics?
Elegí esta compañía por quien la fundó, y por lo poco que se sabía en aquel momento de lo que estaba produciendo. Ya conocía a algunos de los científicos que fundaron Stoke y me encantaba su ética de trabajo, y los datos que me mostraron acabaron de sellar el trato por sí mismos. Pero tuve una entrevista con nuestro CEO, Ed Kaye, en la que lo primero que me dijo es que sus equipos, principalmente, disfrutaban de cada día que trabajaban aquí. Antes de centrarse en mis logros profesionales, lo que él quería entender de mí era si yo, como persona, encajaría con su equipo, ya que una de sus prioridades era la de asegurarse que todos siguiesen disfrutando y no viniese nadie a destruir eso. Eso no es algo que se suela oír de un CEO.

¿Dónde has trabajado antes?
En la industria farmacéutica he trabajado en Nycomed (que fue comprada por Takeda), en UCB, Biogen y ahora, Stoke Therapeutics.

¿Por qué investigas el síndrome de Dravet?
Hay varias razones para ello. La más obvia es que Stoke tiene un fantástico programa con ciencia revolucionaria, y eso hace que cada día sea un placer trabajar. Pero hay otras dos razones más importantes. La primera es que yo también soy una persona que vive con epilepsia. He lidiado con ello más de 20 años y conozco de primera mano las enormes barreras personales y profesionales a las que cualquiera viviendo con esta situación tiene que sobreponerse. Pero más importante: veo a vuestros hijos. Veo su padecimiento. Pero también veo su potencial. Y veo a todas las familias que nunca se rinden. Luchando por sus niños. Incluso aquellas familias que han perdido su batalla personal. ¿Como podría darle la espalda a eso? ¡Soy padre de 3 niños pequeños y movería cielo y tierra para protegerlos!

¿Conoces a alguien que sufra síndrome de Dravet?
Personalmente, no conocía a nadie antes de empezar a trabajar en Stoke. Desde entonces, he tenido la fortuna de conocer a varias familias que se han negado a tirar la toalla y que nos siguen empujando a trabajar cada día más duro.


¿Cuál es la importancia de la investigación en la sociedad?
Soy hijo de un científico básico en España. Ellos son los que siguen aportando los cimientos de nuestro entendimiento de la vida. Y a pesar de ello, son los últimos de los que se acuerdan los políticos a la hora de asignar fondos de I+D. El avance científico es lo que nos ha permitido vivir las vidas que vivimos. No existe nada en nuestras vidas que no haya sido posible, o mejorado, o evolucionado, gracias al esfuerzo de incontables científicos e investigadores.

¿Crees que es importante la investigación de enfermedades raras?
Sin ninguna duda. He visto niños alcanzar metas increíbles, niños que habrían sido desahuciados solo hace unos pocos años. Este tipo de investigación es lo que ha hecho que eso sea posible. Tenemos una obligación para con ellos de hacerlo lo mejor que podamos en este campo.

¿Cómo crees que la investigación del síndrome de Dravet puede influir en la sociedad en general?
La investigación en Dravet no afecta sólo a las familias que viven con ello. No se trata únicamente de desarrollar una droga para tratar el síndrome. Toda la investigación hecha en este campo nos permite mejorar nuestro conocimiento de las haploinsuficencias, por ejemplo, un enorme abanico de enfermedades que tienen (¡tenían!) pocas esperanzas para el futuro. Pero también permite a la sociedad cambiar su comprensión, aceptación y manejo de estas patologías.

¿Crees que es importante la labor de las organizaciones de pacientes?
Esencial. Como sabes, uno de los campos de investigación mejor financiados en España es el cáncer. Y creo que una de las razones importantes para ello es la AECC. Las organizaciones de pacientes tienen un peso moral sobre el que apoyarse, que ninguna compañía podrá nunca tener. Tienen el mejor entendimiento de las necesidades reales del paciente. Colaborar con vosotros nos facilita nuestro trabajo, y nos ayuda a hacerlo mejor.


¿Eres optimista en la lucha contra el síndrome de Dravet? ¿Por qué?
Sí. El síndrome de Dravet era prácticamente un pie de página en mi libro de texto cuando estaba en la carrera. Ahora tenemos varias drogas aprobadas para ello, y nuevas e innovadoras líneas de investigación génica y terapéutica en proceso. Realmente creo que estamos en el buen camino.

¿Alguna recomendación para alguien que está estudiando o empezando su carrera profesional?
Disfrútalo. Diviértete. Espera lo inesperado y busca lo extraño. Ya tendrás tiempo para hacerte viejo y adaptarte a la rutina. Ahora es el momento de romper barreras.

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The Dravet Syndrome Conference 2023 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid, at Avenida de Menéndez Pelayo, 93, 28007 Madrid, Spain, on Thursday 23rd of March 2023. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons.

Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to check-in at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 23rd of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 16th of March 2023. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant. 

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The European Dravet Syndrome Advanced Therapies (EDSAT) Meeting 2023 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid, at Avenida de Menéndez Pelayo, 93, 28007 Madrid, Spain, on Friday 24th of March 2023. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons.

Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to check-in at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 24th of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification
by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 17th of March 2023. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant.

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The European Dravet Syndrome Advanced Therapies (EDSAT) Meeting 2022 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid, at Calle de Santa Isabel, 51, 28012 Madrid, Spain, on Friday 1st of April 2022. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons. Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not comprise travelling and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the workshop without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to register at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 1st of April at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days
prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification
by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational,
material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 24th of March 2022. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant.

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The Dravet Syndrome Conference 2022 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid, at Calle de Santa Isabel, 51, 28012 Madrid, Spain, on Thursday 31st of March 2022. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons. Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to register at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 31st of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks. 

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 24th of March 2022. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant. 

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.