I Carrera RetoDravet, por el Síndrome de Dravet

Cuándo y dónde: Domingo 19 de mayo en Madrid

¡Bienvenido/a a la I Carrera RetoDravet, por el Síndrome de Dravet!

¡¿Te gustaría correr por una buena causa?

Si eres una persona que le gusta el deporte, la solidaridad y pasárselo bien, esta es tu carrera. Te invitamos a participar en la I Carrera RetoDravet, por el Síndrome de Dravet, un evento deportivo solidario que se celebrará el domingo 19 de mayo de 2024 en el barrio de Hortaleza, con salida en la Av. de las Fuerzas Armadas, en Madrid.

La carrera tiene como objetivo recaudar fondos y concienciar sobre el síndrome de Dravet, una enfermedad rara y grave que afecta a los niños desde el primer año de vida y que provoca crisis epiléticas muy frecuentes y difíciles de controlar, así como problemas cognitivos, motores, en el habla, en el sueño e incluso una alta tasa de mortalidad prematura. Al correr por el síndrome de Dravet, estarás ayudando a mejorar la vida de los niños y familias que sufren esta enfermedad, así como a impulsar la investigación para encontrar una cura.

¿Cómo puedes participar?

Participar en la carrera es muy fácil. Solo tienes que elegir la modalidad y distancia que más te guste y rellenar el formulario de inscripción que encontrarás en esta página. El precio de la inscripción es el siguiente:

– General: 11 euros hasta el domingo 21 de enero, 13 euros hasta el 31 de marzo, 15 euros a partir del 1 de abril
– Marcha: 10 euros
– Infantil: 6 euros
– Dorsal solidario: a partir de 6 euros

Puedes participar en la carrera de 10k o 5k, en la marcha de 2,5k o en las pruebas infantiles. Todas las categorías tienen premios para los primeros clasificados. Además, al inscribirte en la carrera, recibirás una camiseta técnica y una bolsa del corredor con regalos y cositas molonas.

También puedes hacer una donación adicional o adquirir un dorsal solidario, si no puedes asistir a la carrera pero quieres contribuir a la causa.

¿Qué más te ofrecemos?

La carrera no solo es una oportunidad para practicar deporte y solidarizarte con una causa que necesita tu apoyo, sino también para disfrutar de un ambiente festivo y familiar, con actividades paralelas, música, animación y sorteos. Y, por supuesto, tendrás la oportunidad de conocer a otras personas que comparten tu pasión por el deporte y la solidaridad.

Además, la carrera es un circuito urbano en asfalto que transcurre por las calles del barrio de Hortaleza, con salida y meta en la Av. de las Fuerzas Armadas. La prueba contará con punto de avituallamiento, asistencia sanitaria y control de tiempo.

Puedes consultar el horario y el mapa del recorrido en esta página.

¿A qué esperas?

No lo dudes, ¡inscríbete ya y únete al RetoDravet! Estarás haciendo algo bueno por ti y por los demás. Te esperamos el domingo 19 de mayo en el barrio de Hortaleza. ¡No faltes!


La I Carrera RetoDravet, por el Síndrome de Dravet, XIII Carrera Popular de Hortaleza, se celebrará el domingo 19 de mayo de 2024 en Hortaleza (Madrid) a partir de las 09:00 h y estará organizada por la Fundación Síndrome de Dravet y dirigida por Eventsthinker. La salida será junto a la Junta de Compensación de Valdebebas y el Cercanías.


Podrán tomar parte en esta prueba todas aquellas personas que lo deseen, siempre y cuando estén correctamente inscritas, tanto en tiempo como en forma, y hasta un máximo de 2000 corredores.


La prueba se disputará sobre un recorrido de 10.000 y 5.000 metros, totalmente urbanos, por las calles alrededor del parque de Valdebebas. La salida será junto a la Junta de Compensación de Valdebebas y el Cercanías. Con nivel medio-alto de dureza.

También habrá MARCHA no competitiva para aquellos que quieran participar pero no puedan correr, así como pruebas infantiles.


Se establecen las siguientes categorías para ambas distancias (5.000 y 10.000):

  • Absoluta (recibirán trofeo los tres primeros hombres y las tres primeras mujeres)
  • Veteranos/as (recibirán trofeo los tres primeros hombres y las tres primeras mujeres que lleguen a meta nacidos en el año 1974 o anteriores)

Antes de la subida al pódium los clasificados deberán acreditar su edad con documento oficial (DNI; pasaporte, libro de familia, etc…). La no presencia implica la renuncia al trofeo.


Desde el 1 de enero hasta el 16 de mayo de 2024 a las 21:00 horas, o hasta agotar los 2000 dorsales disponibles para la carrera. El precio es:

Prueba de 5k y 10k:

  • 11€ hasta el 22/01/2024
  • 13€ hasta el 31/03/2024
  • 13€ hasta el 16/05/2024 a las 21:00

Marcha no competitiva:

  • 10€ hasta el 16/05/2024 a las 21:00

Carreras Infantiles:

  • 6€ hasta el 16/05/2024 a las 21:00

Para cuestiones relativas a inscripciones mandar un correo electrónico a [email protected].

En las pruebas infantiles, habrá 3 distancias no competitivas y medallas para todos.

Niños acompañados cualquier edad 100 m
Benjamín 5-6 años 200 m
Alevín 7-8 años 400 m
Infantil a partir de 9 años 1.0 km


La entrega de dorsales tendrá lugar en el Centro Comercial Hipercor de Sanchinarro el día viernes 17 de mayo de 11:00 a 20:00 y el sábado 18 de mayo de 11:00 a 18:00 horas.

No habrá entrega de dorsales el día de la carrera.


No se devolverá la inscripción una vez realizada.

Ante inclemencias climatológicas extraordinarias o causas de fuerza mayor no atribuibles a la organización y que imposibiliten la celebración de la prueba, la organización no asumirá ninguna responsabilidad y no se realizará devolución del importe de la inscripción.

Solo se podrá ceder el dorsal a otra persona por causa debidamente justificada y hasta una semana antes de la carrera.


La Organización contará con un servicio médico, desde media hora antes del inicio y hasta media hora después de la finalización. La prueba cuenta con un Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil y un Seguro de Accidente. La participación en el evento está bajo la responsabilidad y propio riesgo de los participantes. Todo participante debe estar en perfecto estado de salud para la práctica de la prueba a la que se ha apuntado. Con la inscripción aceptan este Reglamento y descargan a la Organización de cualquier responsabilidad en cuanto a Salud del participante se refiere.


La organización se reserva el derecho a realizar cualquier cambio por necesidades organizativas o por el beneficio de los participantes, debiendo comunicarlo a los mismos con la mayor antelación posible.

Además podrá suspender y aplazar la prueba si se observa un riesgo para la seguridad de los participantes, por causa de fuerza mayor, por condiciones meteorológicas extremas que lo desaconseje, cualquier modificación se notificara debidamente.


La clasificación general oficiosa se publicará al día siguiente de la carrera en la página web https://www.carreraretodravet.com


El servicio médico de la competición y/o los jueces árbitros están facultados para retirar durante la prueba:

No está permitido participar sin camiseta.

Participar con un dorsal asignado a otro participante o no autorizado por la Organización.

Realizar la inscripción con los datos alterados.

No auxiliar o socorrer a otro participante que se encuentre en peligro o accidentado.

Realizar cualquier acción voluntaria que pueda dañar el entorno natural.

Arrojar cualquier desperdicio durante el recorrido, fuera de los depósitos previstos por la organización.

Comportamiento no deportivo o no respetuoso con participantes, organizadores, colaboradores, jueces y público.

Cualquier otro motivo no reflejado entre los puntos anteriores que se considere punible de sanción por el Jurado de la prueba, compuesto por dos miembros de la organización.


Los únicos vehículos autorizados a seguir la prueba son los designados por la Organización. Queda totalmente prohibido seguir a los corredores en coche, moto o bicicleta, por el peligro que pudiera suponer para los atletas.


Se establecen premios (trofeos) para los tres primeros de cada categoría.


Los participantes, por el hecho de inscribirse libre y voluntariamente, declaran conocer y aceptar plenamente el presente Reglamento. En caso de duda o de surgir alguna situación no reflejada en el mismo, prevalecerá lo que disponga al efecto la organización.

Por el sólo hecho de inscribirse, el participante declara que: “Me encuentro en estado de salud óptimo para participar en la “I CARRERA RETODRAVET, POR EL SINDROME DRAVET – CARRERA POPULAR DE HORTALEZA”. Además, eximo de toda responsabilidad a la organización, patrocinadores u otras instituciones participantes ante cualquier accidente o lesión que pudiera sufrir antes, durante y/o después del evento, renunciando desde ya a cualquier acción legal en contra de cualquiera de dichas entidades.

Durante el desarrollo de la prueba contribuiré en lo posible con la organización, para evitar accidentes personales. De manera exclusiva, autorizo además a que la organización haga uso publicitario de fotos, vídeos y nombre en la clasificación de la prueba, en los medios de comunicación y/o Internet, sin esperar pago, compensación o retribución alguna por este concepto, con carácter atemporal.

Acepto igualmente la Política de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal y Política de Privacidad“.


Cada participante, en el momento de su participación en cada una de las pruebas, manifiesta encontrarse en una forma física y psíquica adecuada para afrontarlas y asume el riesgo derivado de la práctica deportiva.

La organización no se hace responsable de los daños, perjuicios o lesiones que los participantes puedan sufrir o causar a terceros, como tampoco de los gastos, deudas o daños que pudieran contraer durante el evento.

La organización, tiene suscrito un seguro de responsabilidad civil y otro de accidentes para todos los participantes debidamente inscritos que cubrirán las incidencias inherentes a la prueba. Quedan excluidos de la póliza los casos derivados de un padecimiento latente, inobservancia de las leyes, imprudencia, así como los producidos por desplazamiento a o desde el lugar en el que se desarrolla la prueba.


Se habilitará un servicio de avituallamiento de agua en el kilómetro 5 para la distancia de 10 Km, y en la llegada a meta para todos los participantes.


Las reclamaciones relativas a la clasificación deberán realizarse a la Organización hasta 30 minutos después de la aparición de los resultados. Las decisiones del Comité Organizador, en relación a las reclamaciones planteadas, serán irrecurribles.


La Organización dispondrá de WC ecológicos.


Habrá un sistema de guardarropía junto a la Salida/Meta, donde cada corredor podrá acercarse a dejar su bolsa, para que al finalizar la carrera pueda ponerse ropa seca rápidamente.


Es una prueba con un recorrido pensado para todos los corredores, con la posibilidad de hacer 5 ó 10 kilómetros. Es una carrera de perfil medio-alto, así que recomendamos dosificar. La salida será en la Avenida de las Fuerzas Armadas, cerca de la Junta de Compensación de Valdebebas.


Desde el 1 de enero hasta el 16 de mayo de 2024 a las 21:00 horas, o hasta agotar los 2000 dorsales disponibles para la carrera. El precio es:

Prueba de 5k y 10k:

  • 11€ hasta el 22/01/2024
  • 13€ hasta el 31/03/2024
  • 13€ hasta el 16/05/2024 a las 21:00

Marcha no competitiva:

  • 10€ hasta el 16/05/2024 a las 21:00

Carreras Infantiles:

  • 6€ hasta el 16/05/2024 a las 21:00

Para cuestiones relativas a inscripciones mandar un correo electrónico a [email protected].

En las pruebas infantiles, habrá 3 distancias no competitivas y medallas para todos.

Niños acompañadoscualquier edad100 m
Benjamín5-6 años200 m
Alevín7-8 años400 m
Infantila partir de 9 años1.0 km


En esta sección podrás encontrar todas las fotografías de la prueba una vez finalizada la Carrera RetoDravet, por el Síndrome de Dravet, XIII Carrera Popular de Hortaleza

Por tanto, pásate por aquí una vez acaba la carrera para revivir los mejores momentos de esta carrera solidaria.


En esta sección podrás encontrar las clasificaciones de las diferentes pruebas una vez finalizada la Carrera RetoDravet, por el Síndrome de Dravet, XIII Carrera Popular de Hortaleza

Por tanto, pásate por aquí una vez acaba la carrera para poder tener acceso a las clasificaciones y tiempos.

Conviértase en patrocinador

Como organización sin ánimo de lucro, dependemos de la generosidad de las empresas patrocinadoras para poder llevar a cabo nuestras actividades fundacionales.
Póngase en contacto con nosotros en [email protected] e infórmese de las diversas opciones de patrocinio.


Platinum sponsorship

¡En breve!

Patrocinador Platino

Patrocinador Plata

Patrocinador Bronce


Puedes escribir un correo electrónico a la dirección técnica de la carrera a [email protected], desde donde te atenderán lo más rápido posible.


¡Inscríbete ya!

No esperes más e inscríbete ya a la Carrera RetoDravet, por el Síndrome de Dravet, la cual tendrá lugar el 19 de mayo a partir de las 09.00 horas en el barrio madrileño de Hortaleza.

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The Dravet Syndrome Conference 2023 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid, at Avenida de Menéndez Pelayo, 93, 28007 Madrid, Spain, on Thursday 23rd of March 2023. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons.

Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to check-in at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 23rd of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 16th of March 2023. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant. 

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The European Dravet Syndrome Advanced Therapies (EDSAT) Meeting 2023 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid, at Avenida de Menéndez Pelayo, 93, 28007 Madrid, Spain, on Friday 24th of March 2023. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons.

Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Official College of Nursing of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to check-in at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 24th of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification
by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 17th of March 2023. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant.

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The European Dravet Syndrome Advanced Therapies (EDSAT) Meeting 2022 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid, at Calle de Santa Isabel, 51, 28012 Madrid, Spain, on Friday 1st of April 2022. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons. Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not comprise travelling and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the workshop without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to register at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 1st of April at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks.

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days
prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification
by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational,
material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 24th of March 2022. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant.

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.


The Dravet Syndrome Conference 2022 is organised by Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, whose registered office is located at Calle Doctor Fleming, 30, 28036 Madrid, Spain.

The conference shall take place at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid, at Calle de Santa Isabel, 51, 28012 Madrid, Spain, on Thursday 31st of March 2022. Attendance to this conference is free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons. Participants must register online at www.dravetconference.com. Upon registration, each participant will receive an electronic confirmation by email. On-site registration will not be be possible. If a participant has not received the official email registration confirmation within 3 days, they must contact the conference secretariat at [email protected].

The conference registration includes: Attendance to all sessions, oral and visual presentations, all coffee and lunch breaks, and conference documentation with all information about the event. The registration does not include travel and accommodation costs or any other personal expenses.

Admittance to the conference without registration cannot be granted.

Conference Attendance
Upon arrival at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid the day of the event, all participants have to register at the onsite Conference Registration Desk. The desk will open on 31st of March at 8:30 a.m. Upon registration onsite, the conference team will provide participants with information about the event and a badge, which should be worn visibly at all times. The personalised badge authorises participants to attend all conference sessions, and lunch and coffee breaks. 

Cancellation Policy
Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain reserves the right to cancel any registration forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, or destruction of the venue by fire, shortage of labour, strikes, industrial unrest, public health measures, or any other cause beyond the control of the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain, which shall prevent it from performing its obligations. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to find an alternative format/venue or propose a new date for the conference. Should the conference be cancelled for any reason, airfares, hotels, or other costs incurred by the participants are not reimbursed by the Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain.

Any participant is allowed to cancel his/her registration but must notify this to the conference organisers by e-mail at [email protected] within a minimum of 10 days prior the event. Failure to attend the event without prior written notification by email may incur a no-show fee, which shall cover individual organizational, material and catering costs.

Name Change
All registrations are only valid for the respective person mentioned in the form. A registered participant unable to attend the conference may nominate (free of charge) a substitute participant by notifying the conference organisers by email at [email protected] before 24th of March 2022. The procedure allows giving the last name, first name, and email address of the new participant.

Personal Data
Upon registration, the participant authorises Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain to use their personal data stated above to inform the participant of any further conferences, events, or information concerning the conference and Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain’s activities. The conference booklet online will only contain authors, titles, and affiliations of submitted abstracts, but no full abstract texts. The conference printed booklet will contain full abstract texts from all participants. Conference certificates will be sent to the participants as a PDF document upon request at [email protected]. Only the name & affiliation will be stated in the certificate, not the email addresses of the participants.

Information is collected by an automated computer system that manages registrations. Security and confidentiality are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technical tools. However, Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain declines any responsibility concerning data security transmitted through the internet.

The conference is held in public; therefore, we do not ban participants, exhibitors, partners and other companies from taking photographs of conference activities and participants, and share it via social media. By participating in the conference, you approve that general pictures will be taken and used for our Social Media output, our websites and other communication purposes. You hereby waive any right to oppose, and expressly authorise the organiser to make them available on the Internet or as it may seem fit. Author’s presentation slides shall not be photographed by any conference participant. 

The conference organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any property, whatever the cause may be. Should, for any reason outside the organiser’s control (e.g., political or economic circumstances or a case of ‘force majeure’), the venue or speakers change, or the event be cancelled, the organiser will endeavour to reschedule, but shall not be held responsible for any costs, damages or expenses incurred by the participants. If for any reason the organiser decides to make material changes to this conference, the organiser is not responsible for airfares, hotels or other costs incurred by the participants. The participant takes part in the conference, all tours, and trips at his own risk.

The participant is allowed to use the conference documentation exclusively for his/her personal needs.